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Path of Insight Numerology

I was once wisely advised that my sharing was to be as if I was entertaining someone over tea in my living room - Relaxed, Open & Friendly. So when we visit together, we proceed with this intention, in order to learn as much as possible from a discussion of your chart or dream. 



Path of Insight Numerology readings

In numerology, the complete cycle of 0 to 9 numbers create a symbolic mandala of human experience. Your numerical chart is unique and is derived from your full birth name and  birth date. We also consider important secondary names such as marital and spiritual names. All numbers, whether present or missing in your personal information, represent the dynamic mental, emotional, physical and spiritual forces that are at play in your life, whether you are aware of them or not. Path of Insight sees the mandala of influences that represent your current life numbers.

Why have a reading? 

For a listening ear, for a safe and unbiased perspective, for a chance to  move towards greater clarity and purpose. We use these traditional tools for accessing what I refer to as the grace of Mystery Wisdom

Let's not forget for the fun and entertainment value too!

This also lays a ground for insight - without pressure!

I look forward to connecting with you on the numerology path of insight!

Path of Insight, Dream Consultation 

I get very excited about dreams - mine and others. We have very powerful and profound conscious & unconscious minds. The sky is the limit for interpreting one's dreams. With this "in mind", we consider your dream through the lens of a few methods:

1. We look at what symbol meanings found in your dream might be connected to your life situation - currently, in the past, and even your thoughts of the future.


2. We consider any universal, transpersonal, and collective unconscious symbols & signs that might be pointing to what's occurring in your dream.

3. We also consider what your own intuition might be telling you about your dream.

4. And we consider any other Mystery Wisdom that might be showing up. Always, stay open to Mystery Wisdom!  What is Mystery Wisdom?  It is that surprising, not aways predictable, usually spontaneous, revelation that suddenly appears in our minds without any effort on our part. I consider it a combo of
intuition + magic

At all times, you have control in what you believe or sense to be the true meaning of your dream. At the same time, it is always beneficial for you to come with an open mind & curiosity about other possibilities, so that these other potentials can be considered. And of course, it is always possible that you have an "Aha!" moment and come to a realization of the true meaning of your dream! That is not uncommon.

Ultimately, all we can do is lay the story out in technicolour, allow it to dance in the space before us, so that we can both sit back and observe the wonderful dream mandala. It is not unlike a stage whereby we observe you as the principle actor in your temporary story. 

All dreams are a blessing. I am there to draw from my own intuition, to guide you skillfully to consider all possibilites in your dreamscape, and to provide any prompts and suggestions that could bring you to realization. 

All you need do is...bring your typed story or fragment(s) of a story that intrigues you, and enter into a dialogue about it. The sky is the limit on this path of dreams.

I look forward to connecting with you on the dreamtime path of insight! 


For Information:

Copyright 2017-2023 Teresa Cullen

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